

(Pey-Yi Lee)

學    歷





現    職






  1. Lee, P. Y. and J. P. Suen, 2014. ‘Dependency and Independency among Fish Density and Electivity Indices in a Stream Fish Assemblage’, Environmental Biology of Fishes 97(2): 111-119.

  2. Lee, P. Y. and J. P. Suen, 2013. ‘Comparing Habitat Suitability Indices (HSIs) Based on Abundance and Occurrence Data’, North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33(1): 89-96.

  3. Lee, P. Y. and J. P. Suen, 2012. ‘Niche Partitioning of Fish Assemblages in a Mountain Stream with Frequent Natural Disturbances – An Examination of Microhabitat in Riffle Areas’, Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21(2): 255-265.

  4. 黃鼎翔、李沛沂、孫建平,2012,「不同空間尺度的棲息地河段地文因子與魚類豐度之關係探討」,農業工程學報,58(1): 47-55


  1. Lee, P. Y. and J. P. Suen, 2013. ‘Using GIS to Identify Potential Sites for Freshwater Fish Preservation along Gradient of Precipitation/Flow Rate’, US-IALE 2013 Annual Symposium, Austin, Texas, USA.

  2. 陳品翰、孫建平、李沛沂,2012,「楠梓仙溪災後棲地變化對魚類群落之影響」,2012 動物行為、生態與全球變遷研討會,台北。收錄於生物科學,54(1): 101。(論文競賽壁報展示優秀獎)

  3. Tallar, R. Y., H. C. Chen, P. Y. Lee, and J. P. Suen. 2011, ‘An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Ecological Construction and Fish Assemblages in Southern Branch of Chia-Nan Irrigation Channel’, PAWEES 2011 International Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

  4. 陳品翰、李沛沂、孫建平,2011,「楠梓仙溪颱風災害前後魚類棲地調查研究」,100年度農業工程研討會,台北,531-541

  5. 趙傳睿邱宏彬、李沛沂、孫建平,2011,「以微棲地偏好度及適合度結合River2D 模擬枯水期魚類棲地」,100年度農業工程研討會,台北,1241-1254

  6. Lee, P. Y. and J. P. Suen, 2011. ‘Hydrological Disturbances and Interspecific Competition on Fish Community Structure of the Cishan Stream in Taiwan’, AOGS 2011 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

  7. Suen, J. P., P. Y. Lee, T. H. Huang, and H. C. Hsu. 2011. ‘Identify the Potential Sites for Aquatic Ecosystem Recovery under Extreme Events in the Watershed Scale Restoration by Using GIS’, ASCE/EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2011, Palm Springs, California, USA.

  8. Lee, P. Y., H. C. Hsu, and J. P. Suen, 2010. ‘Using GIS to Identify Potential Sites for Freshwater Fish Preservation Under Extreme Precipitation’, Asia GIS 2010 International Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Paper in CD ROM.

  9. 黃鼎翔、孫建平、李沛沂,2010,「以GIS探討不同空間尺度的地文因子與魚類分佈」,第二十九屆測量及空間資訊研討會,台北,全文收錄於光碟中。

  10. Suen, J. P., T. H. Huang, and P. Y. Lee. 2010. 'Identify the Source Areas for Aquatic Ecosystem Recovery after A Catastrophic Typhoon Event in the Watershed Scale Restoration’, 2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.

 (以上僅列出 以成大身份時發表的文章)

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                                                                                                                                                                      Ecological Water Resources Management Lab